Friday, December 4, 2009

Sloppy Pony Tail

Yes, it is has been a while...we fall down we get up ok? :) I have not blogged in a while due to the fact that Arizona State government is determined to work a sista like there is no such thing as the Emancipation Proclamation! However, at long last I am back...

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and are enjoying this season! Nothing much to report on the hair front...I did however stumble on a hair option as a result of being lazy one morning and got rave actually was cute but too simple for me to claim fabulosity! Just a sloppy pony with bangs but the make up was on point and I did indeed work it. The picture of me and the mic is just me playing around at my brother's studio...everyone who knows me that I CANNOT sing...they don't even tell me when choir rehearsal is...I look like I am really doing something don't I?
I have also been working out though I am dog tired...I could no longer deny the connection between natural hair care and SELF CARE. How can I not take care of the body that produces my lovely locs? I know I need to take care of myself- it is the doing it that is the hard part! I am getting older and want to be around a while. I have battled weight ALL my life and am not on a mission to get skinny just healthy while providing myself more fashion options and some cuter panties!
So, I joined LA Fitness and am loving the classes...have been going faithfully for about two months though I did take a week off this week (route canal and I am freakin tired) but I am back on it MONDAY. Zumba is my new love...oh how I love shaking the money maker but I have discovered that I don't have as much endurance as I used to...a sister could put in some work on the dance floor- these days I'd rather nap but it feels good to move and I am determined to eventually teach this class.
There are a couple of instructors that are not in the best shape but they can run circles around me and can move their hips like nobodies business...I'll be darned if I let one of these older ladies or whit chics out dance me...what the H? The white girls can move...put a sister to shame...however my competitive nature pushes me to continue and get better. I will keep you posted on my self care journey!