Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blah, blah, BLOG!

Just getting in Cali for the summer and I thought I would start blogging; about what? Random things I think until I find my niche and rythmn...I thought about taking on a Harriet Tubman 2.0 of natural hair know, leading the chemicalized and oppressed to the freedom train of liberated locs but there are soooo many good blogs out there already on natural hair. I will share some excellent natural hair links once I figure this out.


Readers...(yes, me and my mama establish a readership) would be bored to tears logging on to read about my life in the P H X...that's even a boring acronym compared to the visceral sound of the "ATL" but alas, my life as I know it at least for now.

I'm a pray about it, get some of that RUAH (creative energy of God) and astound you all...OK- maybe just you mama with a God idea that will keep you coming back for more! Sort of like when I do the Stanky Leg in want to look away but you just can't.


  1. Just passing through and wanted to say, "Blog on!" Your story can only be told by you. And as many good blogs as there are on natural hair, somehow I am still interested in finding one more!
    Be blessed!

  2. Thanks Tonya...that is so sweet...I am so on it!

  3. Your welcome and thanks for the kind words! And thanks for following my good things blog! Blessings!
