Monday, March 8, 2010

OMg...Straightening this Week for a Trim...

Yes, you read that RIGHT- I have an appointment to get my hair flat ironed & trimmed this week…it has been YEARS since I have straightened my hair and YEARS since I have had a trim. I have noticed my plethora of split ends for a while and knew this day would come but I am SCURRED!

I have a friend who has been doing hair for years but is finally in school now- she will be doing the procedure. She has wanted to get her hands in my head for a long time AND she has an sincere appreciation for natural hair and natural products so that makes me feel better.

I have been reading a lot of threads lately about the dangers of straightening and the possibility of it changing my curl pattern. I am going to say a prayer, use a heat protectant and go for it. I had it straightened once right after I cut my locks so that I could trim…I was walking around looking like my mama for a few days and went right back to my curls without a problem. I am very curious to see it straight and get these ends taken care of…I suspect they are slowing my growth a little. Also, many curlies go from straight to curls with no problem…it is part of the great versatility of our hair.

I will post a pic but make no mistake, though I love my mama, if the result is the same as last time…straight hair may not make it through the weekend!


Oh and please excuse this pic...I am in desperate need of a threading (my Threader left the trade...darn her!)so the brows and the upper lip are out of control!

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